About C1_W3_Assignment

I don’t know what the problem is. The correction gives a bad grade and there are no errors in C1_W3_Assignment with Test_get_country and Test get_accuracy and the test get All tests passedhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z0Sy7Zn6bxd7cpkPDPNXtzMKF9DNjHLW/view?usp=share_link

I experienced the same issues. Pass all unit tests. But graders have issue grading 2 functions: get_country and get_accuracy. I checked indivdiual test cases within the unit test file, the results are slightly different with the expected result (e.g. cosine_similarity is off by the last 1-2 significant decimal digit), but still pass all tests.

Hi, I have the same issue. I get cosine_similarity = 0.6510956, and the expected output is 0.651095. get_country = 0.7626822 and the expected is 0.7626821. Please help us.

I am having the same issue!

Please help as my grader shows both 3 and 4 as incorrect. We have purchased this course and all our hard earned money will be in vain if this doesn’t get cleared.

I was going insane checking over and over again… same issue with me

I have the same issue, 3 and 4 don’t have grade. Appear this message: There was a problem grading your submission. Check stderr for more details.
Has anyone managed to solve this problem?

I am having the same issue.

I am having the same issue

Is this resolved or still the issue persists I am facing same issue as well ?

I was facing the same issue, went to my code, and found out that there was a bug in my code. Please check the same in yours too.
HINT: Check if no global variable is called inside a function.

I have tried this many times. Please send your code ss.

I had the same issue with the autograder … I removed the global variable word_embeddings from my get_country function code and it resolved the issue … just FYI

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There is no global variable word_embeddings in my get_country function code, but I am still getting the same issue. Any answers?

Yup, subtle difference. Did the trick. Thanks