Lab Interface Changed From Vocareum, Now No Record of Previously Completed Labs?


I am taking the source systems, data ingestion and pipelines course and have completed all graded labs for weeks 1, 2 and 3. However I seem to have lost credit for those over the weekend of February 1st and 2nd. The lab interface seems to have changed also, it no longer seems to be Vocareum, that may be related. Has anybody else seen that issue?


Hello @eager-AI-learner,

I guess your labs are now in Coursera interface after they disappeared as Vocareum labs. That is a bit strange and shouldn’t happen but it should only take a couple days since practice labs no longer needed to pass. Perhaps a staff @Mubsi has a better idea about this matter. Thank you

Thanks @Georgios . I can just go into the practice labs and start them and get the credit but for the graded labs, the move from Vocareum to the new approach (think it’s VS Code based on some snooping around?) means that they’re all showing as incomplete. @Mubsi - any ideas?

Hi @eager-AI-learner,

Yes, the specialisation was updated to use the assignments directly in the Coursera environment.

You have been bumped into the newer version of the course. This behaviour is expected if you hadn’t made a lot of progress in the previous version.

I understand the frustration of having your assignments completed and now seeing them as incomplete. For this, you can reach out to Coursera support (via chat or email) and explain your situation, maybe they could restore your progress. I (DeepLearning.AI) cannot do that.

If they are also not able to help, then I’m afraid you’d have to redo your work.

I also want to point out that this would not happen with you again, as when you enroll into the next courses of the specialisation, you should be part of the newer versions of them.
