Logistic regression practice lab assignement


In exercice 3 I have this result
dj_db at test w and b: -0.6
dj_dw at test w and b: [-44.83135361795273, -44.37384124957207]

When expected output

dj_db at test w and b (non-zeros) -0.5999999999991071
dj_dw at test w and b (non-zeros): [-44.8313536178737957, -44.37384124953978]

Is it ok? the difference is very slight

After that my cost is 0.31 vs expected 0.3. Is there a bug? should I modify something or I can continue?

Best Regards


Those seem close enough (to the limits of floating point numerical accuracy).
I recommend you continue.

Thank you


I submit the assignment but because of this slight difference I didn’t pass,

What I have to do?

Best Regards

Moreover, the test before that was ok
dj_db at initial w and b (zeros):-0.1 dj_dw at initial w and b (zeros):[-12.00921658929115, -11.262842205513591]

Expected Output:

dj_db at initial w and b (zeros) -0.1
dj_dw at initial w and b (zeros): [-12.00921658929115, -11.262842205513591]

It’s ok i find the pb

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