Machine learning Operations course

Hi Mentors,

Im confused what are the actual total number of courses present for MLOPS specialization…

Github people saying there are four courses but we are having only one according to

can you please someone share the link ?

why the course 2,3,4 are closed? course 2,3,4 are covered in current course 1.

or Course 2,3,4 will be launched later ? Any ideas ?


Sorry I don’t know about the relaunch schedule.

@Anbu again, please see this thread: Enrollment for the ML Engineering for Production Specialization will be closed - #30

@Nevermnd sorry im not getting the thread conclusion… its full of bagged context. Do we have currently only one course for Machine learning engineering in production or do we have other courses if yes what is the link for it please share

@Anbu Yes, there is currently only one course. The rest of the courses in the Specialization were canceled (because they were seen as being outdated).

@Anbu You might like this book as an adjunct though. It is what I am currently reading:

Chip taught an MLOps course at Stanford.