Maths need for ai and machine learning

As i start journey in an ai i do ml now doing deeplearning not find that much maths or i do not do to much of maths . Is i need to do more maths for ai if yes what are all topics to do

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If you want to invent new machine learning methods, you’ll need to know a good deal of calculus, statistics, and linear algebra.

If you only want to use existing methods (as shown in the MLS and DLS courses), you only need to use combinations of existing library functions. Those libraries implement all of the complex math for you.

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how much of calculas ,ststs aor linear algebra needed can you please mention topics and can u tell what to do after MLS and DLS as interset in ml ai methods

You can start with this book. It is available for free online. Then practice some and find out what you’re lacking. Then google that topic and learn it.

You can use this loop, over and over again, :), …

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Those are the topics.

Calculus would include partial differential equations - but nothing regarding integrals.