Module 1-Identifying and Fixing Bugs in Code Using LLMs - Exercise 4

I am fixing the Double LInked list function link_nodes(self, node1, node2).
When I run the unittests.test_DoublyLinkedListFixed(DoublyLinkedListFixed) it generates the error
“AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘data’”

I am not sure where is this error is coming from in the unittests.
Could you please advise what could be wrong (either with my implementation of unittests itself) - Thank you

What is the exact name of the notebook file you are working from?

Feed in the code to the LLM and ask about it the error, it might give you suggestions. I think this one is referring to the the data list which the program is recognising as int, you may use the LLM to probe further thats what I did.

Same here. Did you fix it?

What error are you getting? At first, try to see if you have the latest version of the assignment; they update them…