Module 1 possible issue with grader

The grader reports the following error:

Failed test case: DoublyLinkedListFixed does not have add_node method. Aborting unittests.
but got:

While the unittests.test_DoublyLinkedListFixed(DoublyLinkedListFixed) works as expected


And now it passed, strange? No changes were made to any methods. One possibility is that there was incorrect indentation but wouldn’t the unittests.test_DoublyLinkedListFixed(DoublyLinkedListFixed) fail in this case as well?

It seems you didn’t save your solution before submitting, so the autograder received an empty doubly linked list instead of your solution. Although it works when you run it in the notebook, the notebook doesn’t save automatically. It does save periodically, but it’s recommended to always save the notebook before submitting.


Good point! Thank you!

I did face the same issue at hand and, once saved the notebook, all tests passed were recorded and graded successfully.