Need Guidance

  1. Become a competent Python programmer. A basic Python tutorial would be sufficient. There are about 1 zillion of them available online for free. Many video sharing services host a lot of good Python tutorials.

  2. Verify that you have basic linear algebra/statistics/probability skills:

  • Do you understand the equation of a straight line in 2D?
  • Can you multiply two matrices?
  • Do you know the probabilities when rolling a handful of dice?
  • Can you compute the mean and standard deviation of a set of numbers?
    If so, you have the necessary math background.
    If not, these can be learned easily online.
  1. Take the DLAI Machine Learning Specialization. This teaches the basics of machine learning.

  2. Take the DLAI Deep Learning Specialization. This teaches some intermediate deep learning techniques and language modeling.

Then decide where to go from there, based on your specific interests.