Link to the classroom item you are referring to: source-systems-data-ingestion-and-pipelines/graded-programming-assignment-3-testing-data-quality-with-great-expectations
Hi support team,
Could you please help me to reset the lab for Graded Programming Assignment 3: Testing Data Quality with Great Expectations?
I can’t start the lab in the Workbench due to some internal errors.
Hi @Amir_Zare, I am facing not a similar issue but somehow frustrating one as I kept following the notebook instructions and not seen any output errors and once the notebook is submitted, I am always hovering around 55 marks. Where in the notebook can we solve the problem of which yields the 0 marks?
I just went through with the lab, and the grader seems to be working fine. From your submission report I can see that you didn’t get the grade for the following parts:
Expectation file in S3 artifacts bucket: Checks the existence and the content of the de-c2w3a1-expectation-suite-trips-taxi-db.json file in the S3 Bucket. This file is created in the cells after exercise 4.
Checkpoint file in S3 artifacts bucket: Checks the existence and the content of the checkpoint file from exercise 6.
Content in S3 docks bucket: Checks if some files are in the docs bucket. These files are created in the following cell.
Unfortunately, sharing the answers to the exercises is against the code of conduct. I suggest you check the content of the S3 buckets after you run each cell. You can see if the files are created there.
Just quick one, once we update the .yml file and we run the cell with “great_expectations store list” is it supposed to return on the store_backend class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend or TupleS3StoreBackend. I am persistently getting TupleFilesystemStoreBackend.
class_name for store_backend is TupleS3StoreBackend. There are some lines in the original yaml file like class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend that are replaced with class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend in step 1.3. Did you do this?
I am facing the same issue than @amiguel. First after creating the environment and initializing it i was expecting to find GXArtifactsS3Bucket and GXDocsS3Bucket keys int CloudFromation but in the ouputs there are nothing so i don’t know where to find the bucket to be added in gx/great_expectations.yml. I think this is the route cause of why data is not writen in the artifacts S3 bucket.
Thank you @Amir_Zare for your guidance i was able to complete successfully the lab.
My little advice for those who have encountered the same problem as me, do not add the bucket line in the ymal but replace the four subkeys (Expectation store, validation store, checkpoint store and local site with what is proposed in the notebook then replace the buckets with the corresponding values and it should work.
Hello @mizou
The students are not supposed to share their answers in the graded assignments. As said before, you need to simply replace the keys in the yaml file with the values provided in the instructions. If you face any issues during this process, please let us know, and we will help you.