Need help with my project

I am currently working on a project for digital nomads. The goal is to create a platform where nomads can search for cities based on cost, weather, and internet connectivity. I plan to implement an advanced destination search functionality that will use a search algorithm to match user preferences against destination data. However, I face challenges due to skill issues and the lack of knowledge on gathering current data for living costs, weather, internet connectivity, safety, and visa ease for each city or country. I have searched extensively but have been unable to find the necessary data.

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can anyone please help me with this?

can i help you


Try to break down the app/project into smaller, singular parts. Those will be relatively easy to implement. You code for each part and then integrate the parts into one whole. You will need to refactor the code eventually.

I would suggest you start with the webscrapping. Identify a single, trusted site with accurate weather predictions and an API connection for ease of pulling the data. Look for another site(s) with the costs, another for internet connectivity (assuming there are separate sites for these), etc.

Identify the front end you will want to use for the platform. Will you use HTML5, JavaScript and CSS (the traditional way)? I have seen a simpler framework called FastHTML ( You can also look at Django (another Python web framework) since you will be using a database to store the info. Investigate object relational mapping (ORM) to help you with the Django route.

Good luck to you.

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I really appreciate @Rorisang breaking this out., I actually completed the frontend, but the backend and ml portion is left, which is very confusing for me. Well, I’ve completed the front end using ReactJS and Tailwind, and I thought of using Express for the back end. Since I also need to add the ML stuff, is it wiser for me to switch to Python for the back end?

Actually, using RAG is what I’m thinking about doing here.

Am I heading in the correct way?

hey, you can brother.I need help with ml stuff

Hi @mishba_coder i could contribute to the project, i can bring the expertise of microservices in python using django based development. Can i see your current progress, any github repo you have created so far?

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Hi, @mishba_coder . Python would be great for the back end. How far are you with the project?

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I’ve finished the front end but haven’t begun on the back end yet. Should I use fastapi or something different?
The project is large. Which would be best for the backend—fastapi? @Rorisang

Hi, @mishba_coder .How far have you gone with the project? Apologies for the delay.

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I migrated the backend from Express to Django, completed the authentication, and am now working on machine learning tasks. like I am thinking of using the numbeo for data stuff

hey @Rorisang would you mind connecting on LinkedIn?