NLP specialization Course 4 week 1 no submission option

Hello All, I am trying to submit the first assignment of week 4, but did not see the submission option. I tried every possible step to regenerate the script, and it is not working. Please take a look at the screenshots:

Can someone have the solution to this problem?

Hi @robiulrafi,

I’d recommend to download/rename your current assignment file and fetch a fresh copy (the instructions for which can be found in the first week, before the first assignment) of the assignment. Let me know if doing that fixes anything.


When you reply back, kindly tag me in the post so that I’m notified.

I also have no submission bugs and I’ve tried all the possible options like rebooting server, deleting file and force refreshing and updating to the latest version. Appears to be a bug with the notebook / front end itself

@Mubsi , it is not working. I agree with @Michael_Lim’s point.

Hi @robiulrafi,

Did you try doing this ?


I have tried everything multiple times (rebooting, deleting files). No success.

Hi @Eduard_Shangareev, @robiulrafi, @Michael_Lim,

Can you direct message me your email you use for Coursera ?


Hi @Eduard_Shangareev, @robiulrafi & @Michael_Lim,

You should see the submit button now.