I am not able to run AWS Sagemaker Lab for PDS Course-2, Week#03 Assignment which is SageMaker pipelines to train a BERT-Based text classifier, so kindly provide access to run the lab so that I can utilise my learnings.
Naveen Shrivastava
I am not able to run AWS Sagemaker Lab for PDS Course-2, Week#03 Assignment which is SageMaker pipelines to train a BERT-Based text classifier, so kindly provide access to run the lab so that I can utilise my learnings.
Naveen Shrivastava
Hi @Mubsi is there something wrong with AWS?
Infact I am also not able to run the aws lab for PDS course 2, Week#03 assignment.
Kindly help here.
Naveen Shrivastava
Kindly resolve this issue as I am unable to run ant AWS lab for solving assignments.
Naveen Shrivastava
@naveens.iitd could you please give more details about the issue or send the printscreen - which part of the assignment do you have problems with?
Please find attached the screen shot for your reference. At start lab button its continuously scroll and not provide green button to start AWS icon (yellow color), and this problem is facing in all PDS lab assignments so kindly resolve this issue.
Naveen Shrivastava
@naveens.iitd thanks for the message. Please wait until the lab will load - it may take up to 15 minutes sometimes.