Not able to upload .ipynb and .pkl files in my submissions tab

I uploaded the .ipynb and .pkl files but not able to submit. Submit button is grey only.
Please help me with this.

Hello @Prathyusha_Segu ,

Can you please attach a screenshot, so that we can understand why is it not getting submitted.

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta

This is the screenshot after uploading the files, not able to submit.
How to proceed further, please help.

Hi Prathyusha! Can you try this first::

  1. Go to the My submissions tab, create a submission, and click Replace file for both files.
  2. Select any 2 random files that have different filenames (even different file extensions) but do not click Submit.
  3. Click Replace file again and now select the correct notebook and pickle file.

See if the submit button now turns blue and you can proceed to upload them. This has worked in a previous specialization before and we already flagged it to Coursera as a potential bug. If the method doesn’t work, please let me know. Thank you!

Hi, Can I know where is the replace file option?

This is the screenshot for submissions tab and create submission, not able to find the replace file option.

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Hi! You can just hover over the files shown in your screenshot. It will show up on the upper right side of the blue button…
Screen Shot 2022-03-11 at 10.10.49 PM

I am not able to see any option like that even when I hover on them. Just this.

Oh I see. How about the upload button? If that appears, please follow the tip in this thread. Also, is it okay if we continue troubleshooting the issue in that other thread? It seems your problems are identical. Thank you!

Having the same problem here.

Hello @Igor_Achieser ,

Welcome to the community!

If you are having similar issues, you can follow the tip and instructions given by Chris here to solve it : .

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta