Platform Error: We're experiencing some technical difficulties Please try submitting again in 10 minutes. If the error isn't resolved in 24 hours, please reach out to Coursera through our Help Center

I have tried several times, and also I have followed some instructions in discussions but still the same problem! Can anyone help?

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Hi @sivaDasari,

Thank you for raising this issue and sorry for unpleasant experience. We will try to investigate the problem and get back to you as soon as possible.

I fixed the issue and it is working now!

Thanks anyway!

@sguruvad seems to be having the same problem as you, @sivaDasari. Would you care to elaborate on how you fixed this issue, please?

Thank you a lot!


Here is the link that I found some help to solve the issue.

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@pedrorohde @sivaDasari Thanks! The error is resolved, and the assignment was graded successfully. Here are the settings I applied to the code. The grader works after hard-coding these settings:

best_p_real, best_gen_name = 0.7, gen_names[3]

def eval_augmentation(p_real, gen_name, n_test=1):

accuracies += [eval_augmentation(p_real_vis, best_gen_name, n_test=1)]