Possible DeepLearning.AI logo fix?

The logo currently in use on deeplearning.ai is misaligned. Aligning the shapes may improve the way users perceive it enhancing brand equity.

Attached is a comparison of current logo to a slightly revised version with concentric circles vertically aligned. Further adjustments (such as spacing the circles based on some formula perhaps) may benefit cohesiveness & flow a bit more but this is just a quick post to possibly kick off thinking about revising :slight_smile:

Note: there may be a reason why this logo with its misalignment was chosen and is in use (maybe it was dog-fooded using genAI and has sentimental value?) in which case this whole thought on revising is less relevant than if it were simply a defect.

Source code of updated logo SVG:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 332.8 331.74">
    <defs xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><style>.cls-1{fill:#ff4a61;fill-rule:evenodd;}</style></defs>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M153.5 162C190.227 162 220 132.227 220 95.5C220 58.7731 190.227 29 153.5 29C116.773 29 87 58.7731 87 95.5C87 132.227 116.773 162 153.5 162ZM153 104C171.778 104 187 88.7777 187 70C187 51.2223 171.778 36 153 36C134.222 36 119 51.2223 119 70C119 88.7777 134.222 104 153 104Z" fill="#FF4A61"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M255 116.5C255 172.557 209.557 218 153.5 218C97.4431 218 52 172.557 52 116.5C52 60.4431 97.4431 15 153.5 15C209.557 15 255 60.4431 255 116.5ZM230 100.5C230 142.75 195.75 177 153.5 177C111.25 177 77 142.75 77 100.5C77 58.2502 111.25 24 153.5 24C195.75 24 230 58.2502 230 100.5Z" fill="#FF4A61"/>
    <path class="cls-1" d="M153 306C237.5 306 306 237.5 306 153C306 68.5004 237.5 0 153 0C68.5004 0 0 68.5004 0 153C0 237.5 68.5004 306 153 306ZM153 246C218.17 246 271 193.17 271 128C271 62.8304 218.17 10 153 10C87.8304 10 35 62.8304 35 128C35 193.17 87.8304 246 153 246Z" fill="#FF4A61"/>

Personally, I like the skewed one better.

Interesting. You really have an artist’s eye! I had never noticed, but then the subtle asymmetries are pretty hard to spot in the normal scale at which they image the logo. At least I can only see them when significantly magnified, as you showed.