Hi. I have a problem with Convolution Model Application Assignment. I can’t do the test cell. I think there is the problem with this test. If we don’t the fit data first, you can’t take summary of our model. So this test will never work. happy_model = happyModel() should be in a separable cell so that we can fit our data first. Or maybe I’m doing something wrong?
Hey! You seem to have missed adding the input_shape argument to the model you made with sequential api in the previous cell. Can you check?
Check the first ZeroPadding2D layer you’ve added with the comment just above it. You’re supposed to use an “input_shape” argument there specifying the input shape when you’re defining the layer.
I’ll suggest you read the documentation of Conv2D layer to help you with it. ZeroPadding2D inherits from it so you’ll specify the input_shape the same way.
EDIT: Apologies I was incorrect in that ZeroPadding2D inherits from it, but input_shape is added the same way in both cases, so do check it.
(Also, can you please delete your function once your issue is fixed? )
No worries, glad you were able to solve it!
For future reference to anyone having this issue. Do read the last part of Input Shape section of Sequential model documentation for this.
Also, can you please delete the code now?