Is there a problem with grading assignment 2?
I get this error on the last check in create_model
“There was a problem grading your submission. Details:
local variable ‘history’ referenced before assignment”
My model does get training and validation accuracy required but it fails due to this.
Sridhar A
Hello Sridhar,
Please refresh your notebook according to the below link
This applies to notebooks in Courses 1, 3, and 4 that run on Coursera Labs. If you clicked a blue Launch Notebook! or Open Lab button in the classroom, then that assignment runs in the said environment. This will come in handy whenever you need to start from scratch, fetch the latest version of the assignment, recover the notebook’s metadata, or run into a 404 error.
Open the notebook from the classroom.
After the notebook opens up, click File → Open
When your workspace opens, tick the che…
Are you trying to submit the same assignment where you having issue with a grader cell which you shared in another post??
I tried the assignment refresh and I still get the same error.
Model accuracy:
Hello Sridhar,
Your model has some issues. Please refer the link below to make the corrections.
You have created two posts for the same assignment. I have commented on that post.
Hello Sridhar,
There are few issues with your models
The embedding layer needs correction.
Please follow this link, to make correction
tf.keras.layers.Embedding | TensorFlow v2.13.0
in the link, you will come across input_dim, output_dim and input_length, defining your embedding layer and the values for these are already mentioned at the beginning of the assignment.
The next major issue with your model is your activation choice. This is multi class classification, do you feel you are …