Problems with code errors in colab C4_W1_Lab_1_tfserving_hello_world.ipynb

The ‘test the model’ cell fails for me.
model.predict([10.0])) fails with valueerror Unrecognized data type: x=[10] (of type <class ‘list’>)

If i change code to…
Myinput_data = np.array([10.0])

…the code runs.

However the next cell also fails with…

ValueError: The save_format argument is deprecated in Keras 3
Are there any plans to update this colab?

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can you share image of complete error.

…and it looks like the next lab doesnt work either…

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for the next script… rest_simple.ipynb

i got this fail

It looks like this needs to be updated to run in google colabs also

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did you try to downgrade the keras version?


Looks like one of the assignment needs update with keras version. Can you please check.

same issue in week 2 also. i havent managed to get any of the colabs to run , so far in this advanced deployment scenarios course

just to be clear, you are encountering the issue with deprecated keras in course environment colab right?

Hi Cormac and Deepti. Thank you for reporting. Will look into this today.

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Hi Cormac. The issue should now be fixed. Please re-open the labs from the classroom to see the changes. As Deepti mentioned, the issue is incompatibility with the package versions in Colab. Thanks again for reporting!

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just in case you missed, cormac mentions week 1 as well as week 2 lab having issue, so I hope both are updated. In case you missed his subsequent comment


Hi Deepti. Sorry for missing that and thank you for the reminder. Also caught an issue with the Colab badge in both weeks. All ungraded labs in both weeks should run now. Cormac should revisit the links and launch it again from the classroom. Will check weeks 3 and 4 as well.

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Thank you @chris.favila and especially thanks to @Cormac_Garvey for reporting these lab issues.

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