Programming Assignment: Social Network Database Fix Help

On Exercise 1 and unable to past the, is it the main code I need to edit or the code under the Exercise 1 that I need to edit? Been on this for about 8 hours now, please help!

If you just run the notebook as it is, the exercise functions provided give the right format for the unit tests comparisons (so thereā€™s nothing to fix in those functions), but the content doesnā€™t match up: even basic things like the size of the database is not matching the unit test expectations. Reading Hint 1 which corresponds to exercise 1, really helped me by pointing out the part of load_dataset that we could alter/needed fixing. Assume you can change any parts of load_dataset starting with the creation of the first table and onward.

Where are the hints at? So we only need to change the load_dataset portion instead of the the code that is in exercise 1?

The hints are at the bottom of the notebook. We are allowed to change both the load_dataset sections with normal comments and the code under each exercise. What code we need to change is the thing to figure out. The hint points us to load_dataset sections, so itā€™s worth focusing on.

hello ive passed all my test cases and changed the load_dataset code , but the grader isnt able to grade my assignement im getting an output as - There was a problem compiling the code from your notebook, please check that you saved before submitting. Details:
name ā€˜sessionā€™ is not defined

have you by any chance submitted the code and got it graded ?

HI @aditya_zunder12,

Does your notebook run entirely in your environment?

I went ahead and update the ā€œ# Populate People tableā€ section and still not getting the results, what else do I need to update other than the randomness? Still confused.

yes i am , i have changed nothing , from any other assignement ive submitted itā€™s always been the same way

Hi, can you send me your notebook privately? Thanks

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