I didn’t pay attention
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR GRADING: Please submit your work after placing your solutions in the exercises of the assignment and saving the notebook. Don’t delete cells as these include important metadata for grading. Fill out your solutions within the provided spaces (i.e. replacing the None placeholders). You can add new cells but these will be omitted by the grader. I also already restart kernel but for submission still fail i read tutorial by this forum still not work but unit tes passed
please help me to pass this submission
Please admin restart my assignment from the beginning so I can submit it.
I think you can create new versions of the files and then copy paste your codes in the new ones. Right click the submission files and rename them to any name. Do this for all the files. Then on the top right corner search for the question mark “?”. Click it > Get latest version > Update Lab (Do only after u have renamed all the files else u will lose your data). Now the assignment will reload and then you have 2 files for each (1 new file with 0 changes(default name) + 1 that u renamed and has your alterations). Copy paste the changes for all the files and then submit the assignment.
hope it might help…
Be sure you only copy the code you added to the old notebook. If you just copy and paste the entire notebook, you’ll also inherit the same mistakes.
Please click on any of the > markers, that will display the detailed grader feedback. Post back a screen capture image showing this information.