- Week #2:
- Getting the following error with my notebook for Python Basics with Numpy
[ValidateApp | INFO] Validating ‘/home/jovyan/work/submitted/courseraLearner/W2A1/Python_Basics_with_Numpy.ipynb’
[ValidateApp | INFO] Executing notebook with kernel: python3
Tests failed on 4 cell(s)! These tests could be hidden. Please check your submission. - The code shows there are no errors when run - says “All tests passed” for cells where tests are built in.
Please advise.
Please share the exercise number and test output without your code.
From the information in the post, this appears to be from DLS Course 1 Week 2 Assgn1.
Passing the test cases in the notebook does not prove your code is perfect. The grader uses entirely different tests.
1- The first thing to check is whether your code uses global variables inside the function code you added. Always use the local variables that are in the the function parameter list.
2- Avoid using hard-coded constant values, if a variable is available that conveys the same information.
Thank you for your response. This is week 2, exercise 1. I think I managed to spot the gaps and have closed them out. Function argument names were a tad messed up… fixed those. It is working now.
can i please get some help ?, i keep getting failed on my programming assignments and im not sure what is the reason . i add my code within the lines mentioned to change but , it wont give me any score . i dont know what im missing or doin wrong
What assignment are you working on?
Does your code pass the tests in the notebook, when you run all of the cells in order starting from the top?
If you see any error messages, please post a screen capture image showing them.