Recommended Textbook

Any recommended textbook that one could follow along with this course for reference?


I am following Hands-on Machine learning with scikit-learn, Keras & Tensorflow. I say every beginner should have this textboox


I have a copy of “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. It works good so far. I think it is kind of a classic text in the field and also the recent edition was updated with more machine learning content.


I have both of the textbooks mentioned above. For this particular course I would personally prioritize the Hands-on Machine learning book as its focus is purely machine learning/neural nets/reinforcement learning. As Anton mentioned, the AI book has been updated with more Machine Learning content and also covers many other AI topics. I have only scratched the surface of the content in that book as it is massive. It covers pretty much every topic in AI.


New version coming up in October!

Thanks to all for the wonderful suggestions. I would like to add two more books to the list, especially if someone wants to get deeper into the theory and mathematics of machine learning algorithms.

Probabilistic Machine Learning by Kevin P. Murphy, and
A First Course in Machine Learning by Simon Rogers.

And a few handy resources to get a stronger hold on machine learning mathematics:
Seeing Theory, A visual introduction to probability and statistics

Mathematics for Machine Learning


Check out “An Introduction to Statistical Learning” (available free here: )

I found it very easy to follow, and am using it alongside this course.


“Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow, 2nd edition” is an excellent book. I ordered it immediately and Amazon shipped overnight.
Chapter 1 has a similar discussion of applications of machine learning (p. 5) and the distinction between “supervised and unsupervised” learning (p. 7).
The book is divided into two parts:
“The first part is based mostly on Scikit-Learn, while the second part uses TensorFlow and Keras.” (Preface, page xviii)

Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow, 3rd edition (Early-Release)
It is very nice book, and helpful in being on-track.
The early Release of 3rd edition is also available.

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For Linear Algebra basics, I found Table of Contents (Immersive Linear Algebra)? to be a pretty interesting read as well.

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I found Pattern Recognition very useful and well-recommended by some professionals. It gives a very well mindset.

May I have a softcopy of the mentioned text please.
Thanking you in anticipation,

In addition: in this thread you can find also excellent literature overview if you want to take a deep dive in Deep Learning Bibliography compiled by @paulinpaloalto.

Feel free to take a look!

Best regards

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HI dear may i know how can i get it online thanks

Hi @Talha_Abbasi,

Welcome to the community!

By just googling the name of the book:

Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow, 2nd edition

—> I get many options to purchase the book (in Germany), also with several options provided by online shops.

Did you try that with the search engine of your choice? Don’t you get several options?

Best regards

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