There are two possible sources for that type of error:
It’s not enough just to download the notebook itself (the ipynb file): each notebook has a complete tree of files that accompany it. Here’s a thread about how to download all of the associated files.
There are a lot of packages that need to be installed in your Anaconda environment in order to run the notebooks. There are no official instructions for how to install everything, but here’s a thread with some pointers to get you started down that road.
If you’re going down this road, the issues just never end, so the real point is that you need to develop your own problem solving skills for tackling this type of problem. You can’t just throw up your hands and expect someone else to solve everything for you. The good news is that there is a lot of information out there on StackExchange and many other sites. For example, try googling “no module named ipympl” and see what you get.