Soft question about taking this course

Hi everyone,

I have taken already the TF developer specialization, and the DLS. I’m planning to take this Specialization next, along with a couple of others afterwards.

My question is : should I take it now, or one of the other ones, such as Data Engineering, or Data Deploy, first ?

The reason I’m asking is because the TF developer Specialization just got updated, and I’m wondering if the TF advanced Spec is next to be updated, and therefore I should wait until it does before taking it.

Not sure if anyone can answer this question, but I figured why not ask. I posted it here, because it doesn’t relate to a specific course in the Spec.

Thanks much !

hi @Nick_B1

I can understand with the update version dilemma :joy: but believe me tensorflow advanced technique even if it get updated, the older version (current version) is one of the best course to understand tensorflow more better and you will not regret.

Keep Learning!!!




Thanks a lot bud. Will jump right on that. Appreciate the encouragements !


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