Status code: 400 for terraform apply -target=module.data_quality

Hi, I need help. When perform this task: ```
terraform apply -target=module.data_quality

error Glue: CreateDataQualityRuleset, https response error StatusCode:
RequestID:e9a53bec-caf3-41d8-94b6-dd8d26ad73f0, InvalidInputException: Entity Not Found (Service: AmazonDataCatalog; Status Code: 400; Erro
r Code: EntityNotFoundException; Request ID: fd675ab2-7b37-48ef-9df3-e@bbe10a46f0; Proxy: null)
with module.data_quality.aws_glue_data_quality_ruleset.songs_da_ruleset,
on modules/data_quality/ line 1,
in resource "aws_glue_ data_quality_ruleset" "songs_dq_ruleset":
1: resource "aws_glue_data_quality_ruleset"
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Hi @Cheong_Wai_Ling - Did you make sure to run the glue jobs as explained in sections 2.4 and 2.5? If so, make sure that the glue jobs were run successfully. Otherwise, the transformed data won’t be created in the transformed zone and Glue data quality will then return the above error (which means it did not find the processed songs in the transformed zone of the s3 bucket).

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