Can someone tell me how to do this as I always have a error message:
Before you get started, as before, import test_your_code so that your implemented code can be tested.
Even when I put the line import test our code at the beginning of my code
And even my code is right I have a 0 mark by the corrector
In fact they gave me my first test with Module 2 so I made mistake and moved the cells I think. Now my code is correct but every time I submit I have a 0 mark for each exercise.
If you can help me it is fine, it seems they can’t reassign from scratch the test if not I will ask for a refund as it is no point for me to continue.
In the top right corner there should a question mark which when clicked should give you the “Get Latest Version” option, which can reset the files. If you are the coursera environment of course.
I believe by “they” you mean Coursera or DeepLearning.AI ? I’m from DeepLearning.AI, and I’m happy to help you.
I think you are right, you have moved around your code, which you shouldn’t have had. The instructions are pretty clear about that.
Gent has shared the instructions with you on how to reset your assignment. And I’m going to send you a direct message regarding this to help you diagnose your issue.
You have violated the instructions of the assignment.
First thing is first, you are only suppose to change/add code between the tags ### START CODE HERE ### and ### END CODE HERE ###. Anywhere else in the notebook, you are not suppose to do anything.
You have added extra code, which you were not suppose to in your code cells.
You have added import test_your_code line of code to all of your exercise cells. You are suppose to execute the first code cell of the notebook, where this module is being loaded, and then run the rest of the assignment as it is. Don’t keep copy/pasting it every time.
As I have instructed to you before, every time you open assignment, you have to run the cells sequentially from top to bottom. You cannot begin from executing the cells from in middle of the notebook. That’s not how a Jupyter notebook environment works.
You are overwriting variables as you go along. For example, your initial book variable correctly had 6 key/value pairs. But in exercise 3 you updated the book variable to include only 3 key/value pairs. It might pass you the test, but it is incorrect. You then did the same in exercise 4, you updated the book variable. You are supposed to keep using the book variable as you initialised it in exercise 1. Don’t overwrite it.
Then is exercise 4 you again initialised the borrowers_list in your exercise code cell. This is not required.
You turned the entire exercise 4 code into a “function”. Again, this is not required nor it is part of the instructions.
And then in exercise 5 you again added a bunch of code in your exercise cell.
I think the best thing for you to do is to re-attempt the assignment again.
Next steps for you
Open the assignment
On the top right you should see a Help (?) icon, click it.
When the panel opens, click on Get latest version
Re-attempt your assignment from scratch. Don’t copy/paste your previous code. Read the instructions provided under the heading TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL GRADING OF YOUR ASSIGNMENT.
Read the instructions and code cell comments carefully for each exercise, and only add code which has been asked. Do not add anything extra in the code cells. As before, always run all of the cells of the notebook from top to bottom. Do not skip or start attempting your assignment from the middle.