Subject: Using Visual Studio Code for TensorFlow.js - Issue with Output Display

Hi everyone,

In the Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js (Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free | Coursera) course, week 1, I’m using Visual Studio Code instead of Brackets to write and run my code. The app runs successfully in the web browser, but I’m not getting any ouput, (the expected output of 18.8).

Does anyone have suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue or ensure the output is displayed using Visual Studio Code?

Thanks in advance for your help!

I don’t have any direct information.

But maybe try the Forum search tool, for the term “VSCode”. There have been a few posts about it.

you have placed your query in an incorrect category, so respective course mentors won’t get notified.

I am not sure but you already posted this query, so creating duplicate post won’t make any difference.

Another thing Program course mentions you to do assignment using web chrome browser, not getting desired expected output is not issue with where you are doing the assignment, but probably you need to have look at your codes again as I didn’t get what do you mean by 18.8 expected output.

Please move your query to tensorflow data and deployment specialisation and correct course using the edit :writing_hand:t2: option next to the heading of this topic.

@Jamal022 hi there, please look at the learner’s query.

Although I think review ungraded labs again will resolve the issue. Sharing a screenshot of expected output 18.8 would be more helpful about what one guide you further. @lupiya


Hello sir,can you help me to check this?
i think i have problem on this,even i dont generate anycode,still,there said that “new_y_train” is not defined,but i cant delet or change any function or things there,so im confused

this was in the second course,the last work


Your post comment is not related to the post creator issue, so kindly create a new topic with selection of right specialisation, course, week and assignment name.

In case you are running the above codes locally in your Jupyter environment, please mentions the same.


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Thank you for reminding me,and i post a new topic already
heres the links:Quention and Bug in Second Course of Deep Learning

hope you can help me with it.