Using Visual Studio Code for TensorFlow.js - Issue with Output Display

Hi everyone,

In the Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js course, I’m using Visual Studio Code instead of Brackets to write and run my code. The app runs successfully in the web browser, but I’m not getting the expected output of 18.8.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue or ensure the output is correctly displayed?

Thanks in advance for your help!

please move your query to the right specialisation, course and use add tag option to choose the week you are encountering issue.

By posting your query in the respective related category you get response from the course related mentors. Use the :writing_hand:t2: next to the header of your topic to make changes.

Next you need to share screenshot in case you are getting any error or different output than expected output without sharing any part of the codes which grades your assignment.

Another way to find solution to your query also includes using :mag_right: search tool option mentioning similar output and assignment name, to check if similar query threads already exist and may guide you in your debugging process.

Posting codes is violation of code of conduct.

Also the programme assignment page mentions you to use web browser to do the assignment, so sticking to instructions will save your time. if you are having issue in web chrome browser, then share screenshot of your output as you mentioned
