Submission fails with 'Server-side exception during request'

When I click ‘submit assignment’ for the ‘Python Basics with Numpy’ assignment, I get the following error:

Programming workspace submission failed with error Server-side exception during request, status: 500. Request: CREATE /api/onDemandProgrammingWorkspaceSubmissions.v1…

(I tried a bunch of times, and get the same error each time.)

Anyone seen this error? Any idea what could be causing this / what to do?

I have the same issue. Tried resubmitting twice but I see the same error.
Waiting for a solution.


Sorry to read that you are having these issues. It seems like a server problem. Try to contact the Coursera Support Chat and copy-paste them the error. They will be willing to confirm if there is something going on at the servers.



Hi Thomas and Ravi! Welcome to the community! Can you post here the link in the classroom (i.e. the one with the Work in Browser button)? The assignment for this week is titled “Linear Regression” so you might be referring to another notebook. Thanks.

Coursera support said eventually

Thomas, I am afraid the only option, in this case, will be to contact the Teaching staff directly creating your own post in the forum where the previous one has been created. The Teaching staff will be providing further information and details about it.

Hi Chris,

Sorry about the confusion. I’m not working on the same assignment but have the same problem.
Here is the link:

seems to be working now!!

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Hi! I’ve moved this to the DLS Course category so the mentors there can also have a look. Nonetheless, Rosa’s advice still applies. Thanks!

Yep, can confirm that it worked now for me too :slight_smile:

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Glad to read that everything is fine now :blush:
Just to clarify, we mentors cannot fix anything on the server side, only the technical support from Coursera can do it :slight_smile:

Happy learning all,
