Tensorflow Developer Course 2 Week 4 Programming Assignment

I am having doubt in model part of the assignment.

Here’s my implementation in the link, I am sure I am wrong.
please give an idea or hint for the model part.

Hello @Krishna_Priyatham_Po,

Its against the policies to publish solutions on the main forum page.

However I had a look at your assignment and I think your loss chosen is not the right loss for this kind of output. So have a bit more thinking into it…

ok, then can I share chunk of my erroneous code?

and then, no issue with the layers I used? Is only the loss function wrong?
please specify all the parts I should change/look into again.

Start with the loss function and see what happens as you go on…

Ok, thank you, I will try.

hi @gent.spah, thank you once again for helping me.
I have now completed the course with your hint.
But you have left one query of mine unanswered.
How can I share chunk of my erroneous code?

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Glad to hear you worked it out.

It should be ok for you to publish the error that you get, omiting the code itself.

ok. alright then.
thanks again @gent.spah .

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