Testing Data Quality with Great Expectations - exercise 6

I’m stuck on something stupid. I cannot figure out what is supposed to go here.

In place of “none” I tried context, but I get an error. I have tired everything I can think of but I’m striking out.


Hi @jakeshivers

Make sure the context variable is defined properly. Also, try removing checkpoint= and just pass checkpoint directly as a positional argument (maybe the function add_or_update_checkpoint does not expect a keyword argument).

Hope it helps!

thank you for the response. unfortunately, I’m 99% sure context is correct, and I tried your second suggestion, but no luck.

Hello @jakeshivers
Your answer to this exercise is correct. I tried several things to reproduce the problem with no avail. However, I guess the problem should be with the checkpoint variable. Did you change anything in the cell in part 7? Or is it possible maybe you skipped this cell and forgot to run it?

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Thanks for helping out. I had something wrong in step 5, which trickled down into the lower steps. Problem solved now. Thank you again.