In the “Try it for yourself” exercise, the directions say this:
“Ok, now that you’ve seen the demo, why don’t you give it a try for yourself? You can download the workbook here.”
I expected that when I clicked “here,” the download would commence, but instead it takes me to the github site where the notebook code resides.
What is the recommended, customary, or expected method for actually downloading the notebook, instead of just viewing it? Copy and paste the whole thing to a text file? Use ‘go to file’ to select it on next page?
There is a button on the left upper side “open in colab”, you can click on it and so the same notebook will be opened in google colab from there you can download it.
Hi! I had the same issue. I assumed that that the button would be on the course page, not on the github page. Maybe one could disambiguate this in the description