Hi everyone, does anyone know why this is because there is no complete guide to do the exercises whether to make it on jupyter itself or gimn?
Instructions states you need to do the assignment Jupyter notebook and submit from the same work environment as the auto-grader only accepts submission done through Jupyter notebook
Oky I still don’t understand, but where is the notebook jupyter located?
That’s a good question as even I can’t see in the image you shared any link to the notebook. is there any reading instructions page before the page you have shared?
No more, notices other than this
please see your DM
@Jamal022 address his issue please
Thanks for mentioning @Deepti_Prasad,
You will find on your left hand side one tab “Lab: Exercise 1 - Train Your Own Model and Convert It to TFLite” if you click on it you gonna find the “Open Lab” button to start your assignment
Once you finished it go to next module which called “Programming Assignment: Exercise 1 - Train Your Own Model and Convert It to TFLite” then → My submission to check your grade