tf.keras.layers.Dense W1 Lab1

I don’t know what this function do or what does it mean? and too many functions aren’t
explained, and it is hard to practice without good understanding.

Hi Mohamed - I was wondering the same thing and looked some things up online, I think this first lab was just kind of a preview of what is to come without much explanation. Based on the next video series, it looks like there may be some explanation as we go along.

Hello @Mohamed_Mostafa3, I am afraid that this course isn’t about teaching Python nor coding, but from place to place, the lab talks about the idea behind a line of code or a block of codes, for example, for the code in your screenshot, if we also read the description right before, which is

Screenshot from 2022-09-10 04-58-28

then we know this code’s idea is to define a layer with one neuron. The concept of layer and neuron were explained in the videos. We need both the videos and the labs, and when we read the code, the text descrption around will help give the context or the meaning of the code.

If you have other Python coding question, or question about the implementation of the function such as tf.keras.layers.Dense, I think it’s the best for you to google them first because those functions are pretty well documented.


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Hello @naveadjensen, thank you for pointing out about the future videos. Doing your own research about a topic that you are eager to understand is i think a crucial step, and I do this myself all the time. :wink: The research skills makes a big difference to me.


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Hello @rmwkwok , I wonder how simply you are humble and full of conviction to the community, just reading through your answers I am filled with hope and faith that things are not that too hard as we see them. You beautifully, unfold the small things that are worth integrating into our learning journey. Lots of thanks to you Sir!

Hello @Shashank_Garg,

Thanks to many experts and practitioners who have contributed a lot of their time and efforts, we have many data processing and modeling methods of strong theoretical foundations, we have many excellent python libraries, and we have the invaluable experience of how to tackle what problem by which method. Everytime I open Google Scholar, I see this line “Stand on the shoulders of giants”, and I think we are all very lucky to be able to :wink:

Now the questions are how much time we will put into it, how deep we want to dig into, how broad we are willing to see, and perhaps how high we aim. If they seem too complicated, perhaps on the simple side: it’s a journey, and for it to be a journey, we move, don’t we :wink:

Good luck Shashank!


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