There was an error grading one or more parts of your submission. Please review the messages below for suggestions

Grader Error: Grader feedback not found

Visit the Discussion forum to see if your peers are experiencing or have found resolutions for similar errors. If the error isn’t resolved in 24 hours, please reach out to Coursera through our Help Center.

Please assist

Thank you!

Hello, @Ed_Sykes.
Can you please explain in more details your issue so we can help out.


Hi Hirwa,

I’m afraid that is all the information that was provided.



I just tried to re-submit. getting the same error:

Grader Error: Grader feedback not found

How can you solve it?

You can visit the Discussion Forums to see if your peers have experienced and found resolutions for similar errors.

What else can you do?

If you are unable to resolve your error in 24 hours, please reach out to Coursera through our Help Center.

Here is my output:
mse: 5.30, mae: 1.80 for forecast

Please let me know how to correct the problem


It is possible that you are using the lambda layer or not following assignment instructions strictly.

Can you please send me a private message with your notebook? I can get back to you then.


Hi @Hirwa, I hope this message finds you will.
I have the same issue. I can’t submit the assignment. can you help me?

Grader Error: Grader feedback not found i am also having the same issue

I recommend you start a new thread for your question. This thread has been cold for two years, and is probably no longer being monitored by any current course mentors.

Please include all of the details in your new thread.