Unable to Pass Practice Lab

Unsupervised Learning Course
Week 2
Practice Lab Exercise - C3_W2_Collaborative_RecSys_Assignment
I needed some help, so I looked at the hints
Even after copying code from the hints word-to-word, my code is giving a cost function of 50.7 instead of 28.
This will hinder my progress. Any help will be appreciated.

Hello vink,

Can you please move the topic to the right category of specialisation, course and week. Please mention the section of the assignment you are getting stuck? You can share a screenshot of your output with the expected output which is not matching. So we can guide you appropriately in the right direction. Do not share any codes here.


Sorry, that’s not quite sufficient information.

As DP recommended, please post a screen capture image that shows the entire error message.

Please look into the same.


Check your regularisation term code, it is asking if you have multiplied with lambda?


Regularization just squares each element of the W array and X array and them sums all the squared elements. You can utilize np.square() and np.sum().

The last two codes lines have a look at again…

You have to recall the J code twice at the end(another hint)

Let me know if you are still not getting the it!!!


hello even i am unable to pass this lab. its showing syntax error please guide

{moderator edit: removed image containing code}

Hi @Shaurya_Kang ,

There is a mismatch of round brackets from the previous line of code.