W2 subtitle errors

I noticed some mistranscriptions in the transcript (subtitles, captions) for the course videos. Below is the errata for the 2nd week. I’ll post the errata for the other weeks in those groups.

The format for the errata is as follows. The approximate time is in braces, then the mistranscribed word or phrase follows, followed by a hyphen, then followed by the correct word or phrase. So like this:
[time] mistranscribed word or phrase - correct word or phrase

Video 1 - tensorflow implementation
[2:55] you people are not - you be able to not

Video 2 - training details
[1:17] Literacy regression - linear regression

Video 4 - choosing activation function
[4:32] fat - flat
[4:56] flats - flat

Video 6 - multiclass
[0:26] protocols - postal codes

Video 7 - softmax
[11:22] new network - neural network

Video 8 - neural network with softmax output
[2:13] good to one - being one
[2:27] super strip - super script
[2:52] open layer - output layer
[3:07] sigma, radial - sigmoid, ReLU
[3:19] value - ReLU
[3:34] rarely - ReLU
[7:03] caveal - caveat

Video 9 - improved implementation of softmax
[6:46] actress - accurate
[7:40] for_logist - for logistic

Video 10 - classification with multiple outputs
[2:41] neurals - neurons
[3:42] Expressively - explicitly
[3:52] To write to - the right tool

Video 12 - additional layer types
[3:09] John Macoun - Yann LeCun
[4:34] learning tosses - learning classes [?]

Video 14 - computation graph
[0:35] deactivation a - the activation a
[0:58] cause function - cost function
[1:30] same as above
[1:42] same as above
[1:59] same as above
[4:00] same as above
[4:22] same as above
[5:27] 2.01 - 2.001
[5:32] 2.02 - 2.002
[14:39] epsilon ball equivalent - epsilon or equivalently
[18:16] punch and 10,000 - 110,000
[18:21] meeting - needing

Video 15 - larger neural network example
[0:09] computation draft - computation graph
[5:06] the map - the math
[6:41] background - backprop

Thanks for your list.