@Deepti_Jain, you are not using the correct parameters while calling the function. Check for both W and b. Here, you are updating the parameters of the model, using gradient descent: with the following formula:
𝑊[𝑙]=𝑊[𝑙]−𝛼 𝑑𝑊[𝑙]
𝑏[𝑙]=𝑏[𝑙]−𝛼 𝑑𝑏[𝑙]
Assess your codes and rectify it. Hopefully, it shall pass. Thanks!
It’s great that you were able to find the solution under your own power by taking advantage of the previous questions on the forum. These forums have been in use for several years now, so there is a pretty good chance that you can find something helpful with the right search terms.
Hi @paulinpaloalto ,
I completely agree with you.
This forum is mature with the exercises in the course.
Whenever, some bug appears with the right search keywords I am able to get the required answer. I really liked it.