W4 Assignment 4 Capstone 1 Environment

I have spent the last 3 hours trying to get the Capstone 1 environment reset as the VSCode server stopped working I’ve tried the instructions to restart it but nothing seems to work. I had basically everything created (which isn’t a big deal to step through again) when this started happening.

Earlier, I’ve had the terminal crash a few times (I’ve seen other posts related to that)

Is there any way to get everything reset and restart the graded exam? or do i have to wait til the three hour countdown ends?

All practice exams have been pretty easy to restart or step back into but in this one, I can’t get anything to work. (VSCode server, Jupyter Notebook, etc) and I’m so close to finishing up the courses…

Hello @jchletsos
Sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to reset the lab before the time runs out. However, if you face persisting issues on your next tries, you can always fill in the lab refresh form so that we reset your lab.

Thanks for the reply. I started it back up this morning and was able to finish the lab without any issue.
It’s good to know about the lab refresh form as I wasn’t aware of it.

One more lab to go…Thanks for everything. They have been great.