I’m stuck in lab1 of week2… not very far from the beginning.
When I launch the AWS ETL Glue job, it unfortunately fail.
The error message I can see in AWS Glue interface is :
An error occurred while calling o135.pyWriteDynamicFrame. Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on dim_customers (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; )
Would you have any idea of what could go wrong ?
It’s seems I can not change Lake Formation permissions anyway (have tried)
I am having the same issue and filled the form couple of times since I did not hear back - could you please refresh or fix my IAM role permissions to do this?
Hello @momar.95051,
Sorry for the inconvenience, if the lab refresh takes longer and you have filled the form twice. Perhaps a staff @hawraa.salami can see the reason for the delay. Hope it helps
Thank you @Georgios! I emailed @momar.95051 to identify the correct account. The account has been refreshed. Please let us know if you still have any issues.