Week1 assignment 3 : I have got 80/100 i think there is a issue here but i am unable to figure it .Help me out

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Hey @i_am_batman,
Welcome to the community. Can you please confirm if for all the exercises before this exercise, you are passing both the test-cases, public + hidden.

P.S. - Unless you will pass each of the test-cases, you won’t get a complete score. So, only make your submission once you pass all the test-cases.


Yes, it looks like your code for the 1D gradient check case is incorrect, since you do not get the correct “expected value” on that test. But if the grader gave you 80/100, that must mean that you fully general code is correct. That’s a lot more complicated than the 1D case. Have you double checked by comparing the code in the two cases?

This might be because a minus you used instead of plus in the denominator.

Hi Thanks for the reply . yeh all the test cases have passed before this exercise.

Hi Pratik , I am using plus itself

I did but i am unable to find the error .I am not sure about what i am missing

Hey @i_am_batman,
Can you please DM me your implementation for the gradient_check function?


Hey @i_am_batman,
You have used the function forward_propagation incorrectly. Please read carefully through how it works, and what arguments it expects, then see if you have passed the correct arguments or not. If you are confused, use some print statements to see what are the values held by different variables.

I hope this helps.


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