Week4 Assignment2 5.1 Train the model

Hello , my function “L_layer_model” passed all the tests and I get 100 points after I submitted my code to grader. But in the subsection 5.1Train the model my training outputs are different as the expected outputs, as is shown in the picture. I have posted my code on GithubGithub, can you help me find out the problem, thank you very much!

Hi Junjie,

Welcome to the community.

Are you getting the same expected output when you run the test cells for your two_layer_model?

Hi, @junjie_bao. You are not allowed to post your code on GitHub or any other public forum. Please delete from your repo at once.


No, I can’t get the same output. So I think that there maybe be some bug in the code, not code written by me, by code provided by coursera.

sorry, I didn’t post right code, but code with bug, after fixing the bug, I will delete it at once.

Hi Junjie,

Well, it is expected to get the same outputs while training the model, but if you are getting the different one then probably this link might help you to resolve the issue.

Of course, this is related to a different assignment, but hopefully it might provide you with some hint.