What does the 2nd and 3rd video in advice for applying machine learning section wants to say.
I am not able to understand .
And I am not able to understand the code in above image also
What does the 2nd and 3rd video in advice for applying machine learning section wants to say.
I am not able to understand .
Hello, @mand3940,
Please be more specific because we can’t just walk through the whole videos without knowing where exactly you don’t understand.
For example, if you watch the 2nd video again, and if you have a question
then you might open a new post with (1) the screenshot and/or copied transcript and write down (2) your question so that we can understand you better and be focused.
Please do open new posts for your questions on the videos, so we don’t mix up different discussions in one thread.
For the code, I believe the comments had explained what each line was doing. Essentially it was applying polynomial features and feature scaling on test sets before using them to test the trained model.
So, which line don’t you understand? If all of them, then we can start from the first line of code, and may I ask how you would describe the job of the first line? With your understanding, I can better adjust my response.