Where to learn pandas and numpy?

where can i learn numpy and pandas for ML? I am new to course. Could anyone help me where to learn?

Here you can read numpy doc:

& here pandas doc:

You can also search on youtube.

Hi @Jeevan_sai_reddy_Cho

Pandas and Numpy are amazing libraries to build your knowledge to data science, there are a lot of resources out there in which you could learn. I am going to suggest just one for each and describe some approach that I would take if I had to start over


The Ultimate Guide to the Pandas Library for Data Science in Python (freecodecamp.org)

This tutorial shows the most important parts of pandas and you can pick up at your own pace and even have videos that can help you


Learn NumPy and start doing scientific computing in Python (freecodecamp.org)

This tutorial also offers a great foundation on NumPy in the form of 1 hour long video, which you can take at your own pace.

My suggestion would be to turn ChatGPT into your coding mentor to learn Numpy and pandas, this type of language are good at this popular libraries, ChatGPT can provide feedback and an interactive enviroment to learn and test your knowledge which makes a really great resource to learn nowdays.

I hope this helps!

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Hi @Jeevan_sai_reddy_Cho

For pandas
Here is the youtube channel link:
campusx pandas
Here is the user guide link:
For numpy
Here is the youtube channel link:
campusx numpy
Here is the User Guide link:

You can learn from campusx numpy and pandas videos, it really help me out. Also, it’s always recommended to follow the official documentation (pandas, numpy) for good understanding.

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