I installed the aisetup package on my Python environment with pip (could not find it in Conda), but the package only contains an empty init.py file.
What am I doing wrong?
I installed the aisetup package on my Python environment with pip (could not find it in Conda), but the package only contains an empty init.py file.
What am I doing wrong?
$ pip install aisetup
# ... install output hidden
$ pip show aisetup
Name: aisetup
Version: 0.1.4
Summary: Source code repository for deeplearning.ai courses
Home-page: https://github.com/https-deeplearning-ai/aisetup
Author: Andrew Ng
Author-email: ng@deeplearning.ai
License: MIT
Location: /home/me/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages
Requires: folium, ipython, ipywidgets, matplotlib, numpy, openai, python-dotenv, requests
The package isn’t empty:
>>> import aisetup as ai
>>> dir(ai)
['Audio', 'BeautifyIcon', 'FuncFormatter', 'HTML', 'OpenAI', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', 'authenticate', 'base64', 'beautiful_barh', 'calculate_llm_cost', 'celsius_to_fahrenheit', 'client', 'csv', 'display', 'display_map', 'display_table', 'download_map', 'dt', 'folium', 'get_cat_age', 'get_chat_completion', 'get_current_time', 'get_dog_age', 'get_forecast', 'get_goldfish_age', 'get_llm_response', 'get_random_ingredient', 'get_random_number', 'io', 'json', 'list_files_in_directory', 'load_dotenv', 'np', 'os', 'plt', 'print_llm_response', 'random', 'requests', 'tools', 'upload_audio_file', 'upload_txt_file', 'view_map', 'widgets']
Can you try on venv
Thanks for checking up on this. I tried with venv as well (thank you ChatGPT!) but I got the same result on “pip show aisetup”:
version: 0.0.0
Author-email: Thomas Nelson thomasnelson1@gmail.com
Requires: empty
I am still struggling with packages and environments quite a bit but I have successfully used them quite a bit and this is a first that anything like this has happened. I’m baffled
also I tried to install the package with pip from the “Home-page” but the page gives me a 404.
pip install aisetup==0.1.4
aisetup needs Python >3.10 and mine was 3.8.xx. Updated Python and “pip install aisetup” did the trick. Thanks Balaji!
You’re welcome.
requires: Python <4.0, >=3.9
Yup I saw that message after I tried pip install aisetup==0.1.4
. With just pip install aisetup
I just got the empty package and that’s it.