Autograder not working correctly

As I understand it, assignment one was changed last week. My work all produces the expected outcome, with a very slight difference at the very end. But the auotgrader only gives me 25%, and indicates the problem is with a function that passed all tests. I believe the autograder is wrong. Could someone please check?

Hi @Bradley_Merrill_Thom,

Can you share your lab ID with me ? In the assignment, when you click the top right “Help” button, a panel will open and your lab ID will be shown at the bottom.
I shall take a look.

When you reply back, kindly tag me in the post so that I’m notified.


@Mubsi Thanks, here is my lab ID. finjdmwy

Hi @Bradley_Merrill_Thom,

The autograder is working fine.

You mentioned you are passing all the tests within the notebook, which you are, except for Ex 4’s unit test. Those, you are failing.

You must understand that only matching the expected outputs does not mean that you have passed the unit test, you also need to get the All tests passed. output as well (which also happens to be part of the expected output). Since you are failing the unit test in the notebook, you are failing the autograder test as well.

You should be able to run your assignment successfully now.


Thanks @Mubsi it works now.