Question about the Autograder

I can’t figure out why the autograder keeps giving me a 75/100 on Lab 1 even though it says all tests passed for all of the examples. I can’t figure out which one is wrong. I went through and ran all of the code I wrote individually with shift+return and everything looks okay. I don’t see any marked as incorrect that are graded they all say “all tests passed.”

Passing the tests in the notebook does not prove your code is perfect. The notebook’s tests are not exhaustive, and the grader uses totally different tests.

The most common issues would be due to:

  • using notebook global variables inside a function that you added code.
  • adding cells
  • moving cells
  • modifying the notebook using some other platform than Coursera Labs.

Oh I see. I will go through and look a little more closely. Thank you.

It would be helpful if you post an image of the detailed feedback from the grader.

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Here is what the autograder gave me back: nbgrader-part

Filename: nbgrader-part

75/100Score: 75 of 100

Hide grader output

Grader output

[ValidateApp | INFO] Validating ‘/home/jovyan/work/submitted/courseraLearner/W2A1/Python_Basics_with_Numpy.ipynb’ [ValidateApp | INFO] Executing notebook with kernel: python3 Tests failed on 2 cell(s)! These tests could be hidden. Please check your submission.

I think I know where I made the mistake after looking over it, however I will check it tomorrow when my mind is not so sleepy.


Note that a screen capture image is often more useful for the mentors than a text copy-and-paste.

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Ok, i will do that in the future. Also I figured it out. I did have 2 dumb little mistakes in my code and now I have a 100/100.

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Nice work!

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