Automation potential across sectors

in below screenshot, I do not understand what Impact as % of functional spend means (See horizontal axes)!

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Hi Gerri,
It’s a metric that assesses the effectiveness of a specific activity within a business in relation to the overall expenditures or budget allocated to that function.

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Ok thank you,
And te vertical axes means what those sectors can save by using generative AI?

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I believe it’s about spendings, not savings. Andrew says at 2:45:

“Moreover, as a percentage of all the spending on customer operations,
generative AI impact will be pretty large as well, maybe approaching 40% of the total spend on customer operations. In contrast, it will also have hundreds of billions of dollars impact on sales. But as a percentage of the total spend on sales, it is much smaller.”

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Hello GenAI4E,
Thanks for the answer.
Regarding: Impact as % of functional spend means
to make it more understandable:
can you compare it with return on investment (kind of)?

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I’m afraid for now I can’t answer this question. Perhaps someone else will be able to help.

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