I think it would be better to add more information for the starters how the function should be written and how the values should be found for x and y. Otherwise sometimes it’s difficult to understand what should be filled in the task in my opinion.
I am referring to following task:
Week 1 Assignment: Housing Prices
In this exercise you’ll try to build a neural network that predicts the price of a house according to a simple formula.
Imagine that house pricing is as easy as:
A house has a base cost of 50k, and every additional bedroom adds a cost of 50k. This will make a 1 bedroom house cost 100k, a 2 bedroom house cost 150k etc.
How would you create a neural network that learns this relationship so that it would predict a 7 bedroom house as costing close to 400k etc.
Hint: Your network might work better if you scale the house price down. You don’t have to give the answer 400…it might be better to create something that predicts the number 4, and then your answer is in the ‘hundreds of thousands’ etc.
Because it was not explained that the function should be constructed first and only then x and y values can be done. Also the point about thousands can create confusion when the result is not as expected.
Your answer explains everything much better, though I understood it after I google some time. The only problem is that I believe that this explanation would be better to have in the lecture.