C1_W3_logistic_Regression: assignment cell bug

There is an error in the exercise for logistic regression. In the cell after compute_gradient function, the first line in the cell ( a non graded cell to test compute_gradient function has a bug. This cell cannot be edited by the students. The first line, initial_w = np.zeros(n) results in a compilation error becuase n is not defined. I think the cell is missing a previous line, something to the effect m, n = X.shape.
There is no way to add this line and the assignment submission fails. How do we fix this issue

Hello Ravichandran,

Can you please move the post to its related category of specialisation, course and weeks, so you get prompt reply from respective mentors.

I have shifted you post to the related specialisation, course and week.

Also compilation error comes when you are not implementing your codes according to the grader.

You can share screenshot of your error log. Avoid sharing any codes here.


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This was a duplicate post created by the learner as first he had created this post in general discussion and was moved to the related category by me.

He has resolved his issue by updating his assignment copy. So the issue is resolved by the post creator only.